Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who will be the Next US President?

The next President will play a big role in god's providence, as the term will lead all the way to 2012-2013. It's interesting that the Democratic Party's candidates include a woman (Mrs Clinton, wife of the infamous former US President), and a Black (Mr Obama).

I see a classic fight between "Good and Evil" here, Obama is more the "Abel" type relatively speaking. Clinton is more politically connected, more $$$, more experience but alas her moral character / motivation is questionable.

Obama started as an underdog, but has surprised everyone with his showing so far.

US is voting today (Super Tuesday) to select the respective candidate from each party. As with any Good vs Evil type of fight, it has been a very very close match between Clinton and Obama.

Results will be out tonight.. and my bet is on Obama.


Back2Nature said...

Didn't know you are a democrat as you've left out mentioning about the Republican. What about John McCain?

Personally, I'd prefer the Republican.

What's your say on this report, The Audacity of Selling Hope?

Alp said...

I am not a Democrat or a Republican, but support whoever can support TP's providence. Though I would like Republican to win, but Bush mess it up big time in Iraq, and I don't think (logically)Republican can win this time.

BTW, the internet is full of opinion pieces written by various supporter. A piece written by a Republican will paint a Democrat in the worse possible light.

However there are some well written pieces written by rational people, e.g.

Anonymous said...

Let's pray for Obama!