Friday, February 22, 2008

God's gift in us

In a sermon by Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, "... a gift is not something that is ours, it is something that we are given. ... It is not because of who we are, it is because of whose we are, right? We may not deserve it, but may be we have a very special gift, and that gift can bring joy, it can bring happiness, may be it can bring encouragement, may be it can bring a sense of fullness to somebody’s life."

John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

In the same light, "Ask not what the world can do for you - ask what you can do for the world." Seek within us what gifts and assets that we are given, and use it for the benefits of others.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Are we as ignorant as the Jews at Jesus' time?

Kook Jin Nim spoke on 25 Feb 2007:

"The kingdom of heaven is a world without the Cain and Abel concept.

The problem is not the outside world (satanic world). We are the problem as we don't grasp God and True Parents' concept. Outside people respect our church but do not join our movement. Why? Because our movement is immature. We miss the essence of Divine Principle - just like the Jewish people missed the essence of their teaching."

This is something to reflect upon. Are we "unificationist" getting too big-headed as we assured ourselves of our own salvation? Or are we suppose to alleviate the burden of our TP by growing up and start contributing in a substantial way? Well, it has been mentioned that once everyone can feel (really feel) the heart of God and TP, peace will come and the Kingdom instantaneously completed. Hence do we really understand God's heart? If not, how do we go about it?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Keeping up to the mark

During a recent HDH time, an elder Mrs. Park gave a testimony. In it, she mentioned "I left him [her church minister] realizing that I had nothing more to learn from this minister."

As a minister, teacher, leader or parent, and etc. we need to keep up to the mark so as to accomplish tasks that these roles are expected to fulfill. This is very basic in the commercial world. Although it might not be so ruthless in ministry and family contexts than in the commercial world, the expectation, especially self-expectation should rightfully be there. Otherwise, the congregation, students, subordinates, or children might be stuck in a stagnant state, because not many people are as lucky as Mrs. Park to have found another better path.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Conveying blessings

According to CIG Family Pledge number 6 (see below), we are to convey Heaven's blessing to our community. Thus, does that mean we need to actively grab/win/snatch as much blessing as possible so that we can convey them to others? I don't think so. When we actively do good and position ourselves to convey blessings, Heaven's blessing will be conveyed through us to others around us.

"6. As the owner of Cheon Il Gook, our family pledges to embody God and True Parents; we will perfect a family which moves heavenly fortune and conveys Heaven's blessing to our community, by centering on true love."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who will be the Next US President?

The next President will play a big role in god's providence, as the term will lead all the way to 2012-2013. It's interesting that the Democratic Party's candidates include a woman (Mrs Clinton, wife of the infamous former US President), and a Black (Mr Obama).

I see a classic fight between "Good and Evil" here, Obama is more the "Abel" type relatively speaking. Clinton is more politically connected, more $$$, more experience but alas her moral character / motivation is questionable.

Obama started as an underdog, but has surprised everyone with his showing so far.

US is voting today (Super Tuesday) to select the respective candidate from each party. As with any Good vs Evil type of fight, it has been a very very close match between Clinton and Obama.

Results will be out tonight.. and my bet is on Obama.